ISO Registration Process
Quotation Accepted
Application Drafting
Drafting of policy standards
Certificate issue
Welcome to BQR Certification​
BQR Certification is an Independent certification body established as per requirement of IS/ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015 (Conformity Assessment-Requirements for Bodies. Which provides ISO certification, training, auditing and other certification services that reduces risks and saves time for organizations while educating, empowering and enabling leadership to implement, improve and integrate management systems and strategic initiatives?.. read more

Who we are?
BQR Certification is the leading, fast growing, professional and cost effective ISO certification service in India. It provides initial registrations and periodic surveillance reviews to assure that your quality, environmental or sector-specific system is being maintained in accord with the ISO standards. It is global proof that your company has met and continues to meet all of the requirements of the ISO standard that your business is seeking.

Corporate Profile
BQR Certification (BQR) has implemented a documented management system, meeting the requirements of various international standards for providing 3rd party management system certification services since 2009. BQR Certification is the leading, fast growing, professional and cost effective ISO certification service in India. It provides initial registrations and periodic surveillance

BQR CERTIFICATION is accredited with UKACF for Management System Certifications. BQR CERTIFICATION is never very far from its Clients. It is easily recognized by all stakeholders as one of the most competent, ethical & professional service. For regarding accreditation and more details please visit BQR CERTIFICATION an established and independent Certification body...

Quality Policy
BQR its Directors, staff and others involved in the certification process understand the importance of risks associated with impartiality. BQR will identify and assess risks in all relationships which may result in a conflict of interest or pose a threat to impartiality. Threats to impartiality include, but are not limited to, the following: a) Self-interest threats: threats that arise from a person
Why BQR Certification
BQR Certification is an Independent certification body established as per requirement of IS/ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015 (Conformity Assessment-Requirements for Bodies.
We are provided two type of training Courses 1. Lead Auditor Training Course 2. Internal Auditor Training Course