CE Marking :

The CE mark is a mandatory European marking for certain product groups to indicate conformity with the essential health and safety requirements set out in European Directives. The letters ‘CE’ are an abbreviation of Conformity European, French word for European conformity. The CE mark must be affixed to a product if it falls under the scope of ‘New Approach’ Directives of European union.

Without the CE marking, and thus without complying with the provisions of the Directives, the product may not be placed in the market or put into service in the fifteen member states of the European Union and Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein. However, if the product meets the provisions of the applicable European Directives, and the CE mark is affixed to a product, these countries may not prohibit, restrict or impede the placing in the market or putting into
service of the product.

Existing in its present form since 1985, the CE marking indicates that the manufacturer or importer claims compliance with the relevant EU legislation applicable to a product, regardless of where manufactured. By affixing the CE marking on a product, a manufacturer is declaring, at its sole responsibility, conformity with all of the legal requirements to achieve CE marking which allows free movement and sale of the product throughout the European Economic Area.

For example, most electrical products must comply with the Low Voltage Directive and the EMC Directive; toys must comply with the Toy Safety Directive. The  arking does not indicate EEA manufacture or that a product has been approved as safe by the EU or by another authority. The EU requirements may include  afety, health, and environmental protection, and, if stipulated in any EU product legislation, assessment by a Notified Body or manufacture according to a certified production quality system.

The CE marking also indicates that the product complies with directives in relation to ‘Electro Magnetic Compatibility – meaning the device will work as intended, without interfering with the use or function of any other device. Not all products need CE marking to be traded in the EEA; only product categories subject to relevant directives or regulations are required (and allowed) to bear CE marking. Most CE-marked products can be placed on the market subject only to an internal production control by the manufacturer (Module A; see Self-certification, below), with no independent check of the conformity of the product with EU legislation; ANEC has cautioned that, amongst other things, CE marking cannot be considered a “safety mark” for consumers.

Existing in its present form since 1985, the CE marking indicates that the manufacturer or importer claims compliance with the relevant EU legislation applicable to a product, regardless of where manufactured. By affixing the CE marking on a product, a manufacturer is declaring, at its sole responsibility,  onformity with all of the legal requirements to achieve CE marking which allows free movement and sale of the product throughout the European Economic Area.

For example, most electrical products must comply with the Low Voltage Directive and the EMC Directive; toys must comply with the Toy Safety Directive. The marking does not indicate EEA manufacture or that a product has been approved as safe by the EU or by another authority.

List of CE Marking Directives:-

Active implantable medical devices 90/385/EEC
Airborne noise
Appliances burning gaseous fuels 2009/142/ECATEX 94/9/EC
Cableway installations for persons 2000/9/ECConventional rail
Construction products 89/106/EECDangerous substances
General product safety 2001/95/ECHigh-speed rail 96/48/EC
Explosives for civil uses 93/15/EECEMC 2004/108/EC
Hot-water boilers 92/42/EECMarine Equipment 96/98/EC
In vitro diagnostic medical devices 98/79/ECLifts 95/16/EC
Low voltage 2006/95/ECMedical devices 93/42/EEC
Measuring instruments 2004/22/ECPressure equipment 97/23/EC
Packaging 94/62/ECRecreational craft 94/25/EC
Personal protective equipment 89/686/EECPostal Services
Simple pressure vessels 2009/105/ECToys 2009/48/EC
Weighing Instruments 2009/23/ECR&TTE 1999/5/EC

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